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Rwanda, in September 2024: a Deadly Virus May Arrive

The new month September 2024 is likely to bring the most up to date Ebola virus to my country Rwanda. Though August show crue of what's behind the door, we should be extract careful. When it happens to experience shortage of water or network outage in the coming month, it maybe a warning sign that the bad days will be near. ## **Is it bioterrorism?** Yes, it may be. But I it's likely to be a climate punishment. ## Whom will the first patient be? While I am unable to tell, I think doctors and other health care practitioners will be the ones to suffer in the first days. ## What may the signs be? Even after the coming of this virus, it will take a little longer to know the signs. However, they may include headache, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. ## How long can a patient live with this disease? It's like 2-3 days and even some people may die in less than 12 Hours. ## Will there be a lockdown? No, maybe a financial crisis instead. This virus will be patients in a very short time that it may not spread far.
This is just fiction! I am just writing a story. But stay committed to protect yourself and those you.

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